Wednesday, April 6, 2011

the importance of protein isolation extends beyond the classroom

The purpose of this post is to share that researchers (REAL people, whose career focuses on isolating proteins) perform protein isolation.  There is meaning and purpose. 

Somewhere, right now a researcher is using a technique like ammonium sulfate. 

Here are some paper titles that is about isolating a protein (the protein varies) with author names, and universities that they are affiliated with:

(1) The P700-chlorophyll a-protein : Isolation and some characteristics of the complex in higher plants.   Judith A. Shiozawa, Randall S. Alberte and J. Philip Thornber 
Department of Biology and Molecular Biology Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, California

(2) Human placental anticoagulant protein: isolation and characterization
Takayuki Funakoshi, Ronald L. Heimark, Lee E. Hendrickson, Brad A. McMullen, Kazuo Fujikawa

(3) Fatty acid binding protein. Isolation from rat liver, characterization, and immunochemical quantification. R. K. Ockner, J. A. Manning and J. P. Kane  

(4) The retinal pigment epithelial membrane receptor for plasma retinol-binding protein. Isolation and cDNA cloning of the 63-kDa protein. 
C. O. Båvik, F. Lévy, U. Hellman,C. Wernstedt and U. Eriksson  
(5) PAIR Technology: Exon-Specific RNA-Binding Protein Isolation in Live Cells
Thomas J. Bell, Emelía Eiríksdóttir, Ülo Langel and James Eberwine

(6) Isolation of lipocalin-type protein from rainbow trout seminal plasma and its localisation in the reproductive system
Joanna Nynca, Mariola A. Dietrich, Barbara Bilińska, Małgorzata Kotula-Balak, Tomasz Kiełbasa, Halina Karol, and Andrzej Ciereszko 
Department of Gamete and Embryo Biology, Semen Biology Group, Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Tuwima 10, 10-747 Olsztyn, Poland.  Department of Endocrinology, Institute of Zoology, Jagiellonian University, 30-060 Krakow, Poland.  

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